I'll be participating again this year in the Holiday Bazaar at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany. It is this weekend: Saturday 11/13, 9am-4pm and Sunday 11/14, 11am-3pm. It's a great place to get Holiday gifts, and not only can you find something for everyone, but you'll see cool art and there's a cafe, too, with... yes... quiche!

I've been doing something new this year, something a little more crafty... I've been collaging with jewelry. It is really cool and looks awesome! Take a look at the pics. Not only can you wear handmade jewelry, but you'll be wearing an original piece of art as well. Of course, I'll also be selling greeting card prints of original collages, collaged fabric bags, and framed original collage art as well.

So please come out. If you have to work, come before or after, or on your lunch break (remember the quiche)! FUUSA is at 405 Washington Ave., just across from the SUNY Downtown Campus.